Tip of the Day: fixing CalDAV and CardDAV for Nextcloud behind Nginx Proxy Manager

To configure Nginx Proxy Manager to properly resolve "/.well-known/caldav" for your Nextcloud web server, you can follow these steps.

Tip of the Day: fixing CalDAV and CardDAV for Nextcloud behind Nginx Proxy Manager
Photo by engin akyurt / Unsplash

To configure Nginx Proxy Manager to properly resolve "/.well-known/caldav" for your Nextcloud web server, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Nginx Proxy Manager and select the proxy host that you have set up for your Nextcloud server.
  2. Click on "SSL" in the left-hand menu, and then click on the "SSL Certificates" tab.
  3. Click on "Create Certificate" and follow the instructions to generate a new SSL certificate for your Nextcloud server. Make sure to select "Domain Names" as the certificate type, and enter your domain name and any subdomains that you want to secure.
  4. Once your SSL certificate is generated, click on "Proxy Hosts" in the left-hand menu, and select the host that you have set up for your Nextcloud server.

Under the "Locations" tab, click on "Add Location" and enter the following information:

  • Path: "/.well-known/caldav"
  • Proxy Host: Select your Nextcloud proxy host from the drop-down menu
  • Scheme: "https" or "http".  Use whatever protocol used to reach your server in the reverse proxy.
  • Forward Hostname: Enter the hostname or IP address of your Nextcloud server with "/remote/dav" appended to the hostname.  For example "nextcloud/remote/dav" where "nextcloud" is the hostname of the server.
  • Forward Port: Enter the port number of your Nextcloud server.
  1. Click on "Save" to save your changes.
  2. Test your configuration by navigating to "https://yourdomain.com/.well-known/caldav" in your web browser. You should see a response from your Nextcloud server indicating that it has successfully resolved the "/.well-known/caldav" path.

That's it! Your Nginx Proxy Manager should now be properly configured to resolve "/.well-known/caldav" for your Nextcloud web server.

You can find me on Mastodon at @mojoology@mastodon.social.